Kapchorwa Civil Society Organization’s Alliance is network of NGOs, CBOs, and FBOs. KACSOA was established in the year 2000 and operates in Sebei sub region with its offices located in Kapchorwa District, Eastern Uganda which until 2005 was one district but has now been split into three . At its inception, there was a realization that the CSO fraternity in the region was working in isolation, with very limited collaboration and interaction, and yet poverty issues prevalent then required not only joint action, but also a strong common voice for any meaningful engagements with duty bearers in the quest to address pervasive poverty. The structure of the alliance is three fold: includes the General assembly which involves all registered and fully subscribed member organizations and is responsible for shaping the organizations overall/supreme policy; .

Our Vision
“A Ugandan Society where individuals exercise their full rights and potential”.
Our Mission
“To Enhance Coordination of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Empower Communities to demand for their rights through Advocacy, Capacity Building, Promotion of Human Rights and Accountability”..

Word From The Executive Director
Through enhancement and upholding efficiency of our internal processes, Kapchorwa Civil Society Organizations Alliance’s (KACSOA’s) auxiliary role of being a third arm of the society in Uganda will remain central. As we enhance partnerships with government institutions and other development partners to achieve our mission, KACSOA will continue to work closely with government organs and other development partners towards supporting the Uganda’s Government Vision 2040 of “A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous Country within 30 years”. This will be possible through building linkages and strategic partnerships with KACSOA Member Organizations (MOs) at grassroots level and engaging all other key stakeholders in all service delivery. Our work will also seek to contribute to attainment of the global development agenda specifically the UN’s led Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In an era of dwindling resources, we will continue to enhance efficiency and carefulness in the use of resources and always seek value for money. Further, communities remain central in all our undertakings and we shall serve them with respect and integrity.
Kiprotich George Cheywa
We thank the Almighty God for the far He has brought us as an organization. Over the years we see the incremental role that KACSOA is playing in shaping discourse as well as development in Sebei Sub region. This is a daunting task which cannot just be taken for granted. All these could not have been possible without the trust and faith that the people of Sebei, as well as the district Local Governments have in KACSOA and for which we shall forever be grateful. In a special way, I want to appreciate the Board and staff of KACSOA for their untiring efforts to ensure that KACSOA makes bold footprints in influencing development through empowering communities and engaging leaders at all levels. A preview of the Previous Strategic Plan indicates that KACSOA has performed well in as far as fulfilling the set goals and objectives as planned, albeit amidst a myriad challenges/constraints. As we start the implementation of the new strategic plan 2021 – 2025, we look forward to leveraging on that undisputed legitimacy to perform much better for the good of the great people of Sebei. It is also our sincere hope that the high levels of commitment and teamwork by the Board and staff shall be maintained in the ensuing strategic phase. On behalf of the Board and on my own behalf, I want to thank those who entrusted us with funds to enable us do what we did. In that regard therefore special appreciation goes to the following partners: Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), GIZ, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF), Government of Uganda through Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MoGLSD) and Inspectorate of Government (IG), without whose support we would not have achieved as much as we did. In the same vein, we look forward for the same support as we implement the ambitious new strategic plan. We are cognizant of the fact that the new strategic plan (2021- 2025) is coming up at a time when the whole world and Uganda as a country, is being shaken by a raging COVID-19 pandemic with far reaching health, social and economic ramifications. As an organization we are challenged to adopt new ways of conducting our business bearing in mind that the work we do is much more demanding than never before. We embrace the challenge and pledge to do our best in realizing the set goal and objectives as spelled out in this strategic plan. It is our strong believe that with God on our side, we shall make it in all our endeavors. God’s Blessings upon all of us and “Stay Safe”
Rt. Rev. Paul Masaba Kiptoo

17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Our Objectives
- To build capacity of member organizations to model good governance/ deliver on their Mandate
- To strengthen the institutional capacity of KACSOA secretariat to effectively carry out its functions
- Towards raising public civil rights consciousness to demand effective implementation of pro-poor government policies and programs.
- To advocate and lobby for effective implementation of pro-poor government policies and programs
- To promote public civic rights consciousness
KACSOA has been at the center of transformation in the Region.

Martin Kibet
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